LCMC Northwest District

Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ

We are the Northwest District of LCMC (Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ). Welcome to our official website!

Sixty-two LCMC congregations, a couple of fellowships and a group of individual associate members spread across Alaska, Canada, Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana make up our Northwest District. While our congregations are scattered over a huge geographic region that crosses an international border, we find our unity in our common mission to bear witness to the good news that sinners are put right with God by faith alone in Jesus Christ.

To this end we seek to gather our members, both lay and clergy, together for events which equip, inspire and encourage all who attend as together we strive to fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission. Currently our annual convention and Youth Impact Event represent our primary opportunities for gathering.

Our District is also called to be a place where the Holy Spirit moves. This is a place where congregations and pastors in transition, who are seeking new ways forward, can be identified and connected. This is a place where a person who is experiencing an inner call from God can receive practical guidance and mentorship as the candidate embarks on a pathway to ministry. This is a place where congregations challenged by forces from within and without can find solace, mentorship and guidance. We are called to foster and encourage collegiality between and among our members through joint worship, intercessory prayer and joint study of the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions.

We are a geographically diverse group facing challenges to life and ministry that can be overwhelming. Yet, we believe that our Northwest District has a role to play as we move forward in ministry. We believe that God has given us individuals, congregations and fellowships that possess the gifts, aptitudes, abilities and skills necessary to help us overcome these challenges so that we can achieve our collective mission. Maybe God is nudging you to check us out. Maybe God is calling you to gather, worship and pray with us. May God bless you as you navigate our website!

Ed Skutshek – Northwest District Council Chair